2023 Round Up:Year In Review

Buckle in for the ride, this one is a bit longer than usual!

(SKIP DOWN to the next section if you do’t have a lot of time).

What a year we’ve had here at The Breaker Collective. Since I’ve been in the States catching up with friends and family over the holiday, many have asked me how Breaker is going and I’ve described it as the craziest roller coaster ride you could ever imagine.

Anticipation of what’s to come.

You know that cranking noise a roller coaster makes as the car slowly jerks you up the steep hill, lurching forward, getting higher. Your adrenaline starts pumping, heart beats faster as you look out over the horizon, at the people on the ground getting smaller. You’re not sure if you’re excited, nervous, or just glad to be sitting down after all of that time standing in the queue (that’s a line for my American compatriots). That was 2022.

Where we’ve been this year.

2023. Have you ever sat in the very first car of the roller coaster? The crest leaving you hanging before the first drop is particularly harrowing in the first car, contemplating life choices that might lead to a splattered demise upon a coaster malfunction (these thoughts race through my head), Then, just when you’ve made peace with your maker, WOOSH- stomach in your throat, heart pounding, smiling and screaming all at once. Wind in your hair, face pulled back by g-forces not sure whether to hold on with white knuckles or throw your arms up in the air and screech for joy. That has been our 2023, folks.

In 2022 Gemma and I spent time working on all of the background, less glamorous parts of the company, the foundations of building Breaker. We climbed the hill.

This year, we put ourselves out there to all of you, it’s been a risk, we’ve felt exposed, vulnerable, yet excited about the momentum we’ve gained. Just like that crest over the roller coaster, when it plummets over the first hill, we’ve felt that release of adrenaline when we finally said ‘f*ck it, we’re doing this’.

We’ve jumped off into the abyss not sure what to expect but my oh my what an incredible reception of support we’ve had. And as we plummeted down the first hill, it’s during this year of a seemingly long free fall that we’ve developed the pillars, our values of who we are as Breaker.

Our values have come organically (then honed and worded by Vicki, marketing guru) mostly through examples from our support system. As Gemma and I began to open up about what we’re doing, what our struggles are, what we want to achieve, a crew emerged, our crew.

We’ve had incredible support from our community, by giving their expertise, their time, woman power and by showing up with a lot of heart. As my husband would say, if you want something done, ask a mum. We’re a scrappy, resourceful bunch. And Gemma and I have benefited immeasurably from our crew of women.

It’s important however to also give a shout out to the incredible men who are also behind us, believe in what we’re doing and have given us their time, support and advice. Like Bernie, our incredible coworking counsellor, confidant, amazing expert in all things coworking and events who has stuck by us and been an incredible cheerleader. Also the wise and wonderful Chris Hillier who coaches us in all things business. And the super, STUpendous Stuart, who helped us put together a foundation and make us look professional from the start. And probably the very strongest supporter of Breaker, my hubs, Unihorne. Tirelessly lets us tear apart our house for events, cheers us on, pulls his weight (and sometimes mine) with the house and ankle biters, gives us pep talks when we’re feeling low. Breaker men are just as important as Breaker babes. We wouldn’t be where we are now without them, they are critical members of our support system.

Through our attempt to keep it real and be authentic, both in the good and the hot mess, people have come. As we hosted our first two events, women came, many who love and know us already, but also many who hadn’t known us yet. We’ve heard from women who inspire us, like mental health expert, Diane Taylor who shared her own story as a young woman, mother and business woman. We had coffee and chatted while getting our nails done from the amazing artistic Lena and massages from miracle mama, Olena who fixed our achey shoulders and backs. We also were able to hear their stories of having to leave Ukraine, their partners, husbands, friends behind and while making a new life in the UK with their children, not knowing when they will be able to return.

Though we come from diverse backgrounds and experience different daily challenges, through our events, we’ve found a commonality amongst us. A root that bonds us. We are connected in womanhood.

So bring on 2024! We’re aiming to have our first physical space open this year. We’re going to have more events for you to join so keep an eye out early in the new year for The Breaker Collective’s events calendar.


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