Flipping Work-Life Balance
I met with a friend for a coffee the other day, unfortunately it wasn’t just a social, we met to talk about her new venture and how we can collaborate, which is super exciting. She took the difficult decision a few months back to leave her full-time corporate job and set up a consultancy, but also, she wanted to find something new and exciting for herself, so she has re-trained in something completely different and is stepping out into the unknown with her new skill set. AMAZING.
We inevitably, because it’s one thing we all are striving for and one of the core values of The Breaker Collective, got onto the subject how we are juggling EVERYTHING and work-life balance. She then said something which was a light bulb moment for me…she said…“I like to call it LIFE-work balance…life is the most important bit, why does the work bit always come first?!”
Of course!!! Isn’t that what we are all after? To live our lives to the full. Work, even if we love our job, is just one aspect, we ultimately need to work to pay to live, it’s important and it takes up most of our time but it is not the be all and end all…so, I am stealing her line and going to flip this phrase to LIFE-work balance, with the aim that I always think about what I want from life first.
I have always struggled with this balance, never getting it right…I love work; running my own nursery has provided many wonderful experiences and I have grown and learnt new skills and knowledge. I am now excited to be working on setting up Breaker.
It’s just trying to balance that with the fact that I also love spending time with my children- we’ve just spent a wonderful half term week (and way too much of the hard-earned cash) making memories together and of course I love spending time with my friends who I don’t see enough of…(I’ll get round to it, it’s on my to-do list, sorry pals!)
… But how do we get the balance right to get the best out of life? I don’t know what the answer is but am dedicated to keep striving to find it. This will be different for everyone, it’s an individual thing, but we can work on it Collectively.
I don't know about you but I love a list. In weighing up my LIFE-work balance, this article helped me rebalance the scales.