We’re Live! (ish…)
Welcome to the first issue of The Breaker Collective’s weekly chat, Breakout.
Hard at work…
As I got ready to post this photo, Gemma’s daughter, 8, exasperatedly exclaimed ‘EWW, what is wrong with that picture, why aren’t you smiling and why have neither of you brushed your hair?!”.
I’m sure we’ll look back on these days with fondness, it perfectly sums up who we are in a way- hot mess mamas. Juggling a new company, home, children and all of their activities is hard work- and yes that means sometimes when we’re just in the ‘office’ working, our hair doesn’t get brushed.
So, Caroline and I are busily working away at Breaker HQ - AKA Caroline’s Kitchen, the heart of her home, which is always a hive of activity. Sorry, we have been so quiet, it’s trickier than we anticipated starting a new venture and there have been many crazy ups and downs along the way… but we are continuing to “get sh*t done” in our own hot mess kinda way…!
As always, the year is passing quickly, and sometimes it can feel that we aren’t moving forwards quickly enough; however, we are pleased to be in October and having settled (well nearly – have just had the kids off sick!) into the school routines giving us the opportunity and time to work with some amazing people who are supporting and advising us along our journey. We are finding that working as a collective really is the only way!
We hope you enjoy reading the Breakout each week and would love to hear your thoughts.
Click HERE to read the first blog written by Gemma.
Gemma & Caroline