Beckham, Bullies & Beauty Queens
This week I started Beckham on Netflix. As a non-Brit I had no idea about the amount of heckling he got after the World Cup fiasco. To be honest, I didn’t even know there was a World Cup fiasco, I just knew about Posh and Becks, this couple that flooded every magazine cover in the supermarket line.
(In case anyone else who perhaps was under a rock, not from the UK or not a football fan- Beckham allegedly kicked one of the opponent players and tripped him giving him red card which means, he couldn’t play in the game. Fans ultimately blamed him for the loss.)
The level of bullying Beckham received after that game was absolutely surreal, shocking and sustained. And it got me thinking about fortitude. Most people would crumble under that sort of bullying.
Fortitude is something I think about a lot actually. I was bullied quite severely in the 5th and 6th grades until my parents ultimately chose to transfer me to a different school. (Best decision ever by the way - GFS Grizzly for life).
Throughout that period, my mom would regularly talk to me about fortitude, give me pep talks, remind me that diamonds were built under pressure. Tell me to never give up. Those pep talks have very much shaped who I am today. Every set back we’ve had with Breaker, I can hear her voice telling me to try again.
Me and my ma circa 1983.. who taught me fortitude and apparently how to dress on Halloween.
Not giving up. It’s how Gemma and I operate and it’s part of what we want at Breaker’s core. Just as Beck’s Man U team surrounded and supported him, we are building a Breaker community that supports each other, has each other’s backs, encourages one another. We’re already seeing it in those who have come together to help us in building The Breaker Collective. It truly does take a village.
“‘Do not fear failure but please be terrified of regret. Giving up is the birth of regret’. ”
I watched this video on an Instagram spiral last week and last night showed it to my kids. It’s a few years old so perhaps you’ve seen it. I can’t get enough of Deshauna or this quote. ‘Do not fear failure but please be terrified of regret. Giving up is the birth of regret’.
Gold. Pure gold in the motivation department.
What do you do when you’re faced with a fail? How do you sustain motivation? Do you have a community that comes together to support you?
Gemma and I often send each other totally ridiculous memes or videos on Insta. Here’s one from this week. And a pretty accurate depiction of at least 1 min of every hour, Gemma and I work together. Enjoy :)